About Deep Mentoring

Deep Mentoring

Deep Mentoring is a profound vertical developmental process that awakens participants into a deeper, more reflective way of being.

The Deep Mentoring process

The Deep Mentoring process begins by discerning the developmental stage/action logic the participant is operating from.

What Clients Say

Thousands of Senior executives, in 26+ countries around the world, have been profoundly impacted by Pete Lawry’s transformational approach to growing leaders.

About Pete Lawry

Peter works deeply, respectfully and elegantly, and clients are amazed at how much they have changed in a few sessions with him.

What Clients Say

John R., G.M. Customer Sales & Service, Telstra. Australia.
Peter conducted leadership coaching and mentoring with each of my direct reports over several years whilst I led the 12,000 person channels team in Telstra. Peter has exceptional skills in helping individuals reach their true potential at a business, personal and social level, and has the courage to send the hard messages required to get people to “shift.”


Pete Lawry

Peter works deeply, respectfully and elegantly, and clients are amazed at how much they have changed in a few sessions with him. As well as contributing many millions of dollars of new business and savings to his clients, Peter’s interventions have changed the way business is done around the world. One example: AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. Peter is deeply committed to life long learning and ongoing educational development.

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Tailored leadership coaching and development that results in deep transformation and measurable success.

Talk to Peter about Deep Mentoring today.